Finally some good moves from MS

Some Microsoft insiders recently announced the upcoming release of a Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) built on top of CLR.

I’m a little confused by the Silverlight project web site, on the front page you can read:

Silverlight offers a flexible programming model that supports AJAX, VB, C#, Python, and Ruby, and integrates with existing Web applications.

But browsing the quickstart section I bumped into some XAML… oho! I hope this is not what I’m thinking about, Webforms, XML, AJAX-Atlas-style.

Anyways, DLR is supposed to be released as an open-source project, plus being built on top of the CLR, it should run on Mono. That’s a great plus for all the dynamic languages to have a common base, so all annoying problems (performance, GC, Unicode) are solved once and we can focus on the real thing: the syntax.

Meanwhile, I’ll be checking the latest source of IronPython which is supposed to be built on top of this new thing.


Filed under C#, python, ruby

4 responses to “Finally some good moves from MS

  1. Great info! thanks for the link JP

  2. hi there
    you need to talk about microsoft expression. they are open sourcing silverlight but of course developers are “encouraged” to buy expression studio instead of the adobe package.

    but still, this is a great framework coming from microsoft. flash needs competition. i am really baffled by silverlight multimedia abilities (you can watch 720p video full screen for instance – and you can host your content on microsoft’s servers network) The day where we just need a browser and nothing else on a computer is near.

  3. I think the greatest thing about this is that it gives a common bases to some popular dynamic languages. That should cut the language X is faster then language Y debate.

    Miguel de Icaza (founder of the Mono project) has an interesting post on his blog
    about this news:

    The release for the DLR is done under the terms of the Microsoft Permissive License (MsPL) which is by all means an open source license. This means that we can use and distribute the DLR as part of Mono without having to build it from scratch. A brilliant move by Microsoft.

    Thanks for the comment heri

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