Atchoum – A static website framework

Introducing the most easy to deploy framework!

Markaby + Builtin WEBrick server for debuging + HTML file dumper for deploying = Atchoum

gem install atchoum --source


Filed under ruby

4 responses to “Atchoum – A static website framework

  1. dave

    Help?: I usually insall gems, not familiar with rake.

    Tried to install on Windows. Copied files into a temp folder and ran rake install.

    Got this:

    C:\temp\SneezyWeb>rake install
    (in C:/temp/SneezyWeb)
    rake package
    rake aborted!
    undefined method `exitstatus’ for nil:NilClass
    (See full trace by running task with –trace)

  2. try installing from the gem:

    gem install atchoum --source

    thanks for pointing this out dave!

  3. JohnB

    Uh… doesn’t why_ have a patent on that multicolor back-of-the-napkin style of code formatting?
    Oh, and this isn’t MVC is it?

    but fun!

  4. Yeah I stole it from him just when he left redhanded

    It’s no MVC, no need for a model in the static world, but still you could used rails AR if you need

    Thanks for the comment John!

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